[one_half last="no"]
[title size="3"]Songs[/title]
Lately I've started to wonder if I need a big time change
Thought I had everything figured but lately it all seems strange
And I don't know things I don't know
[toggle title="Alone" open="no"]
[toggle title="Always the Clown (Mystic Madman)" open="no"]
status: demo
recording quality: 7
[toggle title="Am I There" open="no"]
[toggle title="Anchor's Weight (Kahlua & Cream)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Another Beer" open="no"]
[toggle title="Anus Squeeze (Flatulators)" open="no"]
As performed by Paranoid Android:
[toggle title="Beggar/Thief" open="no"]
[toggle title="Better (Aege)" open="no"]
status: piano/vocal sketch
recording quality: 4
[toggle title="Betty (Aege)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Breathless" open="no"]
[toggle title="Catch 23" open="no"]
[toggle title="Draculette (Mystic Madman)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Dream Cycle #1: Lovely Lady" open="no"]
[toggle title="Empty Love (Kahlua & Cream)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Entrancement (Aced Out)" open="no"]
status: demo
recording quality: 7
[toggle title="Frozen (Mystic Madman)" open="no"]
[toggle title="God or Ghost (Criminal Behavior)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Looking the Other Way (Mad Magic)" open="no"]
[toggle title="March of the Madman/Everybody Fakes It (Mystic Madman)" open="no"]
from the Mystic Madman album ...and Hum Like Madmen...
song by Chester Katt
Birdie on a thin wire sold a man tin wire
Swore it was a gold, with a guarantee
One night, rain
Rust on the chain
Only do a favor when there's something to gain
Everybody fakes it
Everybody fakes it
Everybody fakes it
Lucy was a lover, Lucy was a liar
Living in the Louvre, gotta loser on the lawn
Look into his eyes
Isn't a surprise
Do each other favors while they tell each other lies
Everybody fakes it …
Saw you in the kitchen
You forgot to mention
Someone else was there, didn’t catch his name
Maybe when he’s gone
We can get it on
Someone’s bound to win it if we play the game
Everybody fakes it …
[toggle title="Maybe There's Time (Mad Magic)" open="no"]
[toggle title="No Regrets (Mad Magic)" open="no"]
[toggle title="No Solution (Summit)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Only Gonna Ask You Once" open="no"]
[toggle title="Patient's Song (Robby Dale)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Quiet Man (Kahlua & Cream)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Satisfied (Rollenstein)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Saturday (Mystic Madman)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Sex Marvelous (Mystic Madman)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Somewhere, Somehow (Mad Magic)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Too Much for Me (Samson Miller)" open="no"]
status: piano/vocal recording
recording quality: 3
[toggle title="Working Man (Robby Dale)" open="no"]
status: rough demo
recording quality: 5
I only get so many hours
to practice all my magic powers
I only have so many days
before I go that mystic way
[toggle title="You" open="no"]
[toggle title="You Can (Aege)" open="no"]
[toggle title="2 the Strip (Aced Out)" open="no"]
status: production ideation
recording quality: 6
Original beat (as "50 Years Hence") appeared in Scientific Method Episode 1.
[toggle title="All Natural" open="no"]
[toggle title="A Better Look (Aege)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Bloodlust II: Drink of Me" open="no"]
[toggle title="Dedication" open="no"]
[toggle title="Floaters in the Mines" open="no"]
[toggle title="Here I Am" open="no"]
[toggle title="King James' Counselor (Robby Dale)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Kundalini (Criminal Behavior)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Listen Close..." open="no"]
[toggle title="Reason & Rhyme (Aced Out)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Rest Easy (Spraycan)" open="no"]
status: incomplete demo
recording quality: 8
[toggle title="Temptation (Mad Magic)" open="no"]
status: incomplete demo
recording quality: 6
[toggle title="Though I Try to Examine My Thinking" open="no"]
[one_half last="yes"]
[title size="3"]Soundtracks[/title]
[toggle title="Always with the Clouds" open="no"]
[toggle title="Archer Covenant" open="no"]
[toggle title="Beauty Glistening" open="no"]
status: unfinished beat
recording quality: 9
Appeared in Scientific Method Episode 1.
[toggle title="Cathernacle" open="no"]
[toggle title="Chansadroits (Maurice Turreau)" open="no"]
- Chansadroit No. 1
- Chansadroit No. 2
- Chansadroit No. 3
[toggle title="Charades" open-"no"]
[toggle title="Columbus Cataract" open="no"]
[toggle title="Comes the Demon" open="no"]
status: rough beat
recording quality: 5
[toggle title="Counting the Ways (Brock Champlain)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Disturbing Conversation (Karl Cricket)" open ="no"]
[toggle title="Dream Attack (Bruce Atherton)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Forget About Promises" open="no"]
status: finished beat
recording quality: 9
[toggle title="Four Corners Theme" open="no"]
[toggle title="Frozen Journey" open="no"]
status: early soundtrack
recording quality: 6
Appeared in Scientific Method Episode 1.
[toggle title="The Hypnotist (Curt Cannon)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Imperial Mantis (Curt Cannon)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Judges Gather at the Line" open="no"]
[toggle title="Justice Falters over Time" open="no"]
[toggle title="Knights That Fall at Dawn" open="no"]
[toggle title="Kurt's Theme (Donovan Castle)" open="no"]
status: soundtrack
recording quality: 8
Appeared in Scientific Method Episode 1.
[toggle title="Lashala (Curt Cannon)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Lore of Angels" open="no"]
status: keyboard improvisation
recording quality: 8
[toggle title="Ladybugs Dying, Grasshoppers Crying" open="no"]
[toggle title="A Minor Procedure (Jack Vidette)" open="no"]
status: soundtrack beat
recording quality: 9
[toggle title="Minus 100 and COUNTING..." open="no"]
[toggle title="Minus 099 and COUNTING..." open="no"]
[toggle title="Minus 098 and COUNTING..." open="no"]
[toggle title="No Fare" open="no"]
status: demo
recording quality: 7
[toggle title="A Pensive Pause" open="no"]
[toggle title="Piano Sonata No. 1 (Finn Kieland)" open="no"]
- Introduziane: Sonata Grande
- Marcia del bastonata cuore
- Rondo e ballo
[toggle title="Quickening Fire" open="no"]
[toggle title="Scientific Method Theme" open="no"]
- Season 1
- Season 2
[toggle title="Shadow on the Moor" open="no"]
[toggle title="Tuesday Night (from Tuesday Night Movie Theater)" open="no"]
status: complete improvisation
recording quality: 6
[toggle title="15 Minutes Later" open="no"]
[toggle title="130 Tons" open="no]
[toggle title="Anxiety (Curt Cannon)" open="no"]
status: unfinished beat
recording quality: 6
Appeared in Scientific Method Episode 1.
[toggle title="Any Touch" open="no"]
[toggle title="Ariane Emory (ParaSight)" open="no"]
[toggle title="At Night, a Haunted House (parst)" open="no"]
status: complete improvisation
recording quality: 5
Appeared in Scientific Method Episode 1.
[toggle title="Atom Bomb Blast (Ritch)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Basketball DVD" open="no"]
[toggle title="Built on Faith (Allen Strong)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Challenge" open="no"]
[toggle title="Championship Round" open="no"]
[toggle title="Cliques and Humans" open="no"]
[toggle title="Dabble Ace" open="no"]
status: improvisation
recording quality: 3
[toggle title="Dr. Kissit" open="no"]
[toggle title="Dead End Ahead" open="no"]
status: unfinished beat
recording quality: 8
Appeared in Scientific Method Episode 1.
[toggle title="Destraix'h" open="no"]
status: painful-to-listen-to electronic improvisation
recording quality: 3
[toggle title="Essence of an Open Heart" open="no"]
[toggle title="Falling Water" open="no"]
status: short loop
recording quality: 5
[toggle title="Figures of Speech" open="no"]
status: improvisation
recording quality: 4
[toggle title="A Forced Exit" open="no"]
status: piano improvisation
recording quality: 3
[toggle title="From Beginning to End" open="no"]
[toggle title="Fuss Up" open="no"]
[toggle title="Grand Maestro Introduction" open="no"]
[toggle title="Hand Me the Potion (Curt Cannon)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Holy Smokey" open="no"]
status: unfinished beat
recording quality: 8
Appeared in Scientific Method Episode 1.
[toggle title="In Fantasy Land" open="no"]
[toggle title="In Honor of Alice" open="no"]
status: keyboard improvisation
recording quality: 6
[toggle title="Indominant" open="no"]
[toggle title="Jealous Notes" open="no"]
[toggle title="Just Like Hell (Ritch)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Kinette" open="no"]
[toggle title="Know Your Friends" open="no"]
[toggle title="Lately I've Been Wondering" open="no"]
[toggle title="Love Always and Forever" open="no"]
status: instrumental backing rough
recording quality: 5
[toggle title="Making Progress" open="no"]
[toggle title="Mrs. Whatsit" open="no"]
[toggle title="My Bestraum" open="no"]
[toggle title="Nightcrawls of Doubt" open="no"]
status: piano improvisation
recording quality: 6
[toggle title="No Credence" open="no"]
[toggle title="No You Don't" open="no"]
status: unfinished beat
recording quality: 7
Appeared in Scientific Method Episode 1.
[toggle title="Off the Coast of Hagga" open="no"]
[toggle title="Open (Aege)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Piece Defining" open="no"]
[toggle title="Piece of Cake" open="no"]
[toggle title="Piano Trio" open="no"]
[toggle title="Quality Time" open="no"]
[toggle title="Self X-tension" open="no"]
status: unfinished beat
recording quality: 7
Appeared in Scientific Method Episode 1.
[toggle title="Slow Fall, Distant Autumn" open="no"]
[toggle title="Stomps the Monster (ParaSight)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Symphony No. 1" open="no"]
- Andante; allegro; andante.
- Andante.
[toggle title="Under the Influence of Consideration" open="no"]
[toggle title="User Error" open="no"]
[toggle title="Vast Distance, Tiny Vessel" open="no"]
status: improvisation
recording quality: 5
[toggle title="What Hurts Us Most" open="no"]
[toggle title="What I Would Wish" open="no"]
status: piano improvisation
recording quality: 5
[toggle title="Working for Mystic" open="no"]
[toggle title="World in the Hand" open="no"]
[toggle title="X-Fools" open="no"]
[toggle title="You Have a Light" open="no"]
status: improvisation
recording quality: 5
[toggle title="You're My Love (Aege)" open="no"]
[toggle title="Zen Consideration" open="no"]