[dropcap]X-Wire[/dropcap] 2007 X-Wireshows up at the deathbed of a former lover, a spy whom he abandoned, once when a mission went awry. He hopes to make up for it now by saving her life, or at least, offering her a continuation of existence – as a cybernetic robot. She takes his offer, as she is on the verge of uncovering a terrorist cell. He agrees to help her infiltrate their compound.

[title size=”3″]”Activate!”[/title]

Primary Set: Robotics Mastermind

  1. pulse rifle blast: blast out 2lvl sentences +100lvl+w
  2. battle drones: create 2 characters +200lvl
  3. pulse rifle burst: blast out 2lvl paragraphs +300lvl+w
  4. equip robot: write 2lvl details about a character into lvl paragraphs +400lvl+w
  5. photon grenade: 3lvl expansions to an outline +500lvl
  6. protector bots: create 2lvl people, 1 paragraph on each +600lvl+w
  7. repair: read and edit lvl pages +700lvl
  8. assault bot: superhero story a character in lvl paragraphs +800lvl+w
  9. upgrade robot: add lvl items with 1 paragraph describing each to a person’s output +900lvl+w

 Secondary Set: Force-Field Defense

  1. personal force field: ??? +50lvl
  2. deflection shield: ??? +100lvl+w
  3. force bolt: ??? +150lvl
  4. insulation shield: ??? +200lvl+w
  5. detention field: ??? +250lvl+w
  6. dispersion bubble: ??? +300lvl+w
  7. repulsion field: ??? +350lvl
  8. repulsion bomb: ??? +400lvl
  9. force bubble: ??? +450lvl+w

Bonus Powers:

Bare Minimum powers:

  1. rest: take a 5lvl minute break +100*lvl6die
Mastermind powers:
  1. lecture: talk street-kun-do to a 3lvl timer +100*lvl6die
Pole Position powers:
  1. formulate: prepare an outline for the bottom feeder +100*lvl6die
Achiever powers:
  1. todo: make a supermonkey to-do list +100*lvl6die
Husband powers:
  1. housekeep: do a random chore around the house +250*lvl6die
Stud-Muffin powers:  
  1. flirt: do something nice for Megan +250*lvl6die
Inspired powers:
  1. etch: composi-doodle to a 5lvl-minute timer +100*lvl6die
Maestro powers:
  1. compose: compose Sibelius 4lvl measures of a piece+100*lvl6die
 Secretary powers:
  1. archive: move a project to completed folder +100*lvl6die